Every day, every month, every year is a new season, a new beginning.
Mark your calendars for the start of the eighth season of Circles in the Sand. We have been waiting impatiently to be back on the sand creating labyrinths. The season starts with a 2-day draw series. Walks begin on Monday, May 2, and Tuesday, May 3, both at 9:00 AM. Rain and winter winds have shifted sand and driftwood on the beaches.
Now the sands are smoothing out and setting up a flat canvas for our art. Our full summer schedule is located on our website, www.sandypathbandon.com.

We are excited to announce the start of a free shuttle for visitors to Circles in the Sand. Our local business, Fairway Shuttle, will be running shuttle service for each draw this summer. Visitors to our labyrinths can find easy parking at the Bandon Community Center, 1200 11th St SW in Bandon. The shuttle will pick up visitors at the Community Center and drop them off at Face Rock Wayside. Shuttle service will run approximately every 15 minutes. Check our website for each draw series shuttle times. We encourage all of our visitors to take advantage of this free service.
See you on the sand.