We were treated to another beautiful day on the beach for our last draw of this series. Even though we were rained out on Friday, Saturday and Sunday's sunsets were impressive. We drew on the north side of Face Rock Wayside where the sand was in good shape. Inspired by the full moon, our theme for the day was "Celestial" and there were plenty of suns, moons and stars drawn on the sand. All of our volunteer groomers came with happy hearts and it showed in their raking in between the paths. Pictures of the labyrinth follow, after these few announcements. Team Circles wants to give a special shout-out to Charles Wollertz Photography for this labyrinth sunset photo.
Denny will be interviewed on Oregon Public Broadcasting's Think Out Loud at noon tomorrow. You can listen live. It will be rebroadcasted from 8-9 pm and you can also stream it from your computer or phone.
Our next Circles in the Sand draw series is this weekend. We move to morning draws from now through August. Dates and times for this weekend are:
Friday, March 13: walk starts at 10 a.m. (groomers should arrive at 9 a.m.)
Saturday, March 14: walk starts at 11 a.m. (groomers should arrive at 10 a.m.)
Sunday, March 15: walk starts at Noon (groomers should arrive at 11 a.m.)
If you are interested in grooming with us on any of those days please send an email to Bethe@sandypathbandon.com We don't know which side of Face Rock Wayside we will be drawing on from day to day so be sure to look over the cliff from the parking lot so you can find us down below.