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Spotlight on Team member Denny Dyke

Denny is the creator and mastermind behind Circles in the Sand. His passion for labyrinths led him to start creating them at the beach. Over the years the labyrinths have developed into connected spirals, paths wandering through sea stacks, creative adjunct art, and the gift of dreamstones to all who walk the labyrinths.

Denny has the amazing ability to look at the smooth sand at Face Rock Wayside and envision what he can create. Visitors to Circles in the Sand are frequently amazed that the labyrinths are not sketched ahead of time. Denny's experience over almost a decade of practice gives him the ability to know where to start. He determines the spot to draw the first sphere which is always for the Dedication Circle. Next, with rake in hand, he defines the entrance and the exit. From there, he may walk out several hundred feet and start drawing a series of spirals that serve as the turns. In between, he will draw circles for detailed art that is added by the Artistic Team. Denny's "wingman" James also adds spirals, paths, and special "islands." Miraculously the paths that Denny draws link with the paths that James draws. It is mindblowing to watch them "connect the dots" to produce a walking labyrinth that has no dead ends or wrong turns.

If you have ever joined us you know that Denny likes to say a few words to officially open the walk. Just like the labyrinths, his speeches are never the same twice but they follow Circles in the Sand intentions of "Share Love, Show Love, Be Love." Visitors are encouraged to think about meditation and transformation as they walk. Denny holds these values deeply and exudes them as a way of life. He shares his passion for people and labyrinths as often as possible.

Off the sand, Denny can frequently be found on the golf course which is another passion he has developed over the last few years. He is a thoughtful public speaker and has officiated many weddings. But, his heart always longs to be creating labyrinths. His smiles and hugs are as genuine as they come.

Today, please join Team Circles in wishing Denny a happy birthday. We love you Sandman!

And, as Denny would say, "See you on the sand."

Blog credits: Bethe Patrick

Photo credits: Donna Belt and Bethe Patrick

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