Today wrapped up our last draw series for May 2021. The positive energy of everyone who walked with us and volunteered with us was powerful these last four days.
People are always struck by how organic and unstructured our process is. Every day that Team Circles takes to the sand we each, in our own way, believe that something wonderful is about to happen, we just don't know exactly what it is until we are finished. Complicated labyrinths are not drawn on paper and we don't bring templates. The beach, the weather, and the theme are unique each day and that is our starting point. Denny will set off in one direction drawing a path and James will set off in another and magically they connect to form one continuous path. Sometimes the only way to describe how they do it is by magic. As author Terry Pratchett wrote, "It's magic even if you know how it's done."
Open the path and let the magic in. Photo credit: Donna Belt
Over the four days, so many wonderful wishes were fulfilled and magic was everywhere. Groomers showed up when we thought we were going to be shorthanded. Visiting labyrinth creators expanded their ideas beyond traditional labyrinths. People raked themselves into circles and out again.
Some of our magicians at work
More than one wedding anniversary was celebrated on the Hearts-themed day. The wind blew a beach ball across the path and its beautiful owner retrieved it. An octopus on the sand was accompanied by a human companion. Bagpipe music and acapella singing from the nearby cave could be heard. A son volunteered to groom on his mother's birthday as a way of honoring her memory. Magically, the One Wheel riders navigated the tight spiral turns on Saturday. On Sunday, we were touched by a man who finished the walk with his kids and said, "it was magical." A couple traveled over 500 miles to experience a Circles in the Sand walk.
On Monday we celebrated Memorial Day with words of remembrance and a few fireworks of the sand variety.
We find that no matter how many people are walking the labyrinths there are always smiles and positive vibes. There may be no greater magic than a peaceful walk on the beach.