"There are no wrong turnings. Only paths we had not known we were meant to walk."
- Guy Gavriel Kay, Tigana
Our Circles in the Sand labyrinths evolve organically on the sand each draw series morning. Visitors are often surprised to learn that each path pattern is not drawn out in any fashion ahead of time because the beach and the weather change daily and along with it the sand. Each morning Denny walks the trail on the cliff at Face Rock Wayside to scope out the best section for the Dedication Circle and the labyrinth. The only plan we have ahead of time is the theme for the day. We always look forward to choosing our themes for each draw series. Themes give the Artistic Team a guidepost for inspiration and focus.
This series included our four main art themes: Zen; Celestial; Ocean and Hearts. Here is just a sample of the art created along the pathways during this draw series including some special designs for people who are near and dear to members of our team.
Zen, July 21, 2020
Celestial, July 22, 2020
Ocean, July 23, 2020
Hearts, July 24, 2020
The Bandon beach weather dramatically ranged from a heavy marine layer to wind to rainbows and even to sun over the course of the four days. We were treated to squadrons of pelicans and a very special US AM golf trophy photo event. And, if you looked beyond the sandy path today you could have spotted the spray from distant whales.