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  • Writer's pictureBethe

Florence Draw Update

Sometimes in the waves of change we find our direction.

Team Circles has arrived in Florence and we are excited about what we can create on the sand this afternoon. The waves always change the beach from day to day and from year to year. Our plans to draw two labyrinths today have changed because the beach has changed. This year we find much wetter sand which will limit how far and how wide we can work. We are grateful that there is plenty of room for a single labyrinth. It seems appropriate that our art theme is Zen as we go with the flow of the tides and the sand.

The walk starts at 5:00 PM. We suggest you wear appropriate shoes (or no shoes) to walk through some wet sand before you reach the labyrinth. And, the sun is on its way, we hope!

See you on the sand.

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